When Matthew Perry, the beloved star of Friends, passed away last year, the world mourned the loss of a comedic icon. However, as details of his estate began to emerge, a curious puzzle presented itself: despite his reported net worth of $120 million, his bank account...
Labor Day, observed in the United States on the first Monday in September, is not only the unofficial end of summer but also a celebration of the contributions and achievements of American workers. Originating from the labor movement and the quest for better working...
When you think of estate planning, a Will is usually the first thing that comes to mind. In fact, most people who contact me tell me they don’t need anything complicated for their estate- just a Will. Indeed, Wills have a reputation as the number one estate planning...
Including a Trust as part of your estate planning is a smart decision. It allows you to avoid probate, maintain privacy, and distribute your assets to your loved ones while also providing them with a lifetime of asset protection, if you choose it for them. But, here’s...