If you earn a good living now, but you worry about not having enough money for a future time when you cannot work due to illness or injury, disability insurance is your answer. However, you need to make sure you are getting an insurance policy that will meet your...
During the 2018 Kentucky General Assembly, the legislature, through House Bill 2 (HB2), enacted significant changes to the workers’ compensation statute. While some of the changes were to apply retroactively (to work injuries that pre-dated the statutory...
This summer, people are getting together and friends and family are enjoying the fresh air and views from decks. Decks are the perfect spot to grill out and to mingle with friends – new and old. Unfortunately, every year it seems as though a deck...
The Social Security Disability application and appeals process can be very drawn out. Currently, we are told it is taking between 12 and 18 months for Social Security Disability hearing dates in Louisville, Kentucky, to be assigned. The Lohman Law Offices...